
I’d be embarrassed to admit how many blogs I’ve started over the years. Starting at least as far back as 2001, I’ve been on the web as chickeninthewoods, and around that time I had a law library-related blog called the ‘brary blog. They’re work to keep up, blah blah blah, and I eventually gave up most of my online writing spots. But Twitter seems to have brought out more wordiness, and I’ve been thinking it’s time I cleared some soapbox space for myself again.

My day job is enjoyable; I’m proud to be part of the profession, proud of the work that I do with users — both what they see, and what I do behind the scenes to help make their work easier and more meaningful. I don’t get to “read books all day,” or even answer interesting questions all day, though. Lately lot of my time has been taken up with management and administration, planning and discussing and teaching. Learning how to delegate, and to appreciate the value of doing it well.

But it’s just work. I have a life at home, and somehow plenty of hobbies also manage to stand their ground. I dye yarn, knit voraciously, cook and can and garden, take pictures of mushrooms, and enjoy more than my share of tv and movies and tech gadgets. This blog is going to be more about that, than about work-type things. Who knows, maybe my Twitter feed will get more work-like.

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